Ms Possum’s Altercation with a Swine

Well if you’re like Ms Possum and living in the land that never stops raining – good ol’ NZ – you may have succumbed to the flu this cold, damp winter.
Ms Possum was fit and healthy and her life was full of amusing nocturnal activities until she was mown down – well, actually run over by a bus – which was allegedly driven by a swine. She managed to get the number plate of “2009 H1N1” and from what we’ve heard, there have been many hit and runs traced to this number to date.
There was no warning and not even time to say “Look, two moons!” when there she was, left flat as a pancake (flatter than normal I mean).
And the swine kept reversing back and forwards in the form of relapses onto yours truly, so much so, that she’s now almost two-dimensional. Not a good look when we’re trying to create fabulously furry creations for three-dimensional beings!
Ms Possum thought she’d eaten enough greens to ward off this sort of barbaric attack, but alas, even a possum can be in the wrong place at the wrong time…arghhh!
Ms Possum thought she was in her death throes, especially being beset by mad coughing fits similar to the raspy but terminal TB coughs of the little critters that are her namesakes. My good friend diagnosed the problem as Ms Possum having a dose of 1080 poisoning which made Ms Possum feel immeasurably better about the whole situation – not! Perhaps a green carrot had got into the lettuce mix somehow, or was it that free food sample from the DOC Garden Café??
There is a fine line between life, and life imitating art, is there not?
Curse that dreaded swine!! Ms Possum now looks a bit mangy after losing that battle. Hissss!!!!
Anyway, after possum napping a few days, Ms Possum heeded the call of duty, despite her exhaustion, to continue making her trademark beautiful possum goodies to keep the world warm and a better place to live. Yes, her noble inclinations are indeed medal worthy.
Speaking of medals, Ms Possum’s brother in the UK recently received a medal in the form of an OBE. Ms Possum is undeniably proud to be genetically linked to such an illustrious individual, but is concerned that he resembles more of a mad, but gentrified, Ninja Warrior with a BBC voice wearing Italian suits (anachronistic collision of cultures here), than the wonderfully normal, talon wielding, nasal sounding, tree loving Ms Possum bedecked resplendently in furry attire, still living in the Antipodes. Yes, really, they are related. Just can’t explain how.
Now, my lovelies, there is going to be some changes to the website in the next few weeks, so will keep you posted… but just wanted to say “hi” and to let you know that Ms Possum is alive and kicking and ready to rid the world of synthetic fibres, reduce our carbon emissions and save those trees!! Yes, “Buy a Possum and Save a Forest!” and join Ms Possum in her unrelenting crusade to help the world be a more fuzzy wuzzy, fun and furry place.